Eddie Vedder Ukulele Songs 2011 – Monkeywrench [6.9] .
Lo nuevo de Eddie Veder
- marzo 21, 2011
- Tagged as: Broken Heart, Can't Keep, Cat Power, Dream a Little Dream, eddie vedder, Glen Hansard, goodbye, Hey Fahkah, into the wild, Light Today, Longing to Belong, More Than You Know, Once in Awhile, Pearl Jam, Satellite, Sleeping by Myself, Sleepless Nights (feat. Glen Hansard), The Swell Season, Tonight You Belong to Me (feat. Cat Power), Ukulele Songs, Waving Palms, Without You, You're True
El frontman de Pearl Jam dio a conocer algunos detalles de su próximo álbum solista, Ukulele Songs, que saldrá a la venta el próximo 31 de mayo. Mirá un adelanto acá.