La banda estadounidense está de gira y en un recital en Bend (Oregon) presentó una nueva canción, cuyo tÃtulo se desconoce.
We Were So Turned On, disco tributo a David Bowie
- julio 16, 2010
- Tagged as: absolute begginers, afghan raiders, afraid of americans, african night flight, ALL LEATHER, always crashing in the same car, art decade, ashes to ashes, ASKA, be my wife, bewley brothers, blue jean, boys keep swinging, caroline weeks, changes, charlift, china girl, CORRIDOR, David Bowie, edward sharpe & the magnetic zeros, existmusic, fame, fashion, genuflex, halloween swim team, Heroes, i'm deranged, i'm only dancing, it aint easy, jessica 6, john, John Frusciante., KEREN ANN, lewis & clarke, life on mars?, lights, look back in anger, marco benevento, mechanical bride, MEGAPUSS, memory of a free festival, MICK KARN, moon & moon, papercranes, quicksand, rainbow arabia, red money, repetition, sister crayon, soul love, sound + vision, Space Oddity, starmen, suffragette city, SWAHILI BLONDE, TEARIST, the polyamorous affair, the superman, theme from cat people, VIVIAN GIRLS, VOICESVOICES, war child, war falls down, WARPAINT, WE ARE THE WORLD, We were so turned on, xu xu fang, ZAZA
Como te lo anticipamos en Rocktails, el legendario cantante inglés tendrá a partir del próximo el 6 de septiembre su disco tributo. Duran Duran, Carla Bruni, A Place to Bury Strangers y Vivian Girls son algunos de…